Served: Chef Douglas Katz

There is no way to predict what moments might influence the trajectory of someone’s life. We interact with people day in and day out, but rarely stop to consider that some of these interactions might actually live on as an important memory for someone. I experienced that moment 11 years ago when I had to…

Don’t Put Their Light Out – Part 1

I’ve got Part 2 in the works because it NEEDS to get out of my head (brace yourselves), so I thought I would share Part 1 from the beginning of the school year… Don’t put their light out. That’s all I keep thinking. It’s on repeat – no, it’s a permanent neon sign – in…

Say YES, please!

We’ve totally overdone it on empowering people to say “no”.  I’m bringing back “yes’ in a big way. Think back to the last time you had a meeting or went to someone’s home and were offered something to eat or drink. What did you say?  I put money on it that you said no.  Ok,…

Blueberry Lemon Muffin Tops

We’ve timed out on muffins around here.  I make them all the time, and while they still taste good, my big oven reveals are not met with much enthusiasm anymore.  The boys will run into the kitchen, ask what I’m baking, then fake a smile and leave when I say it’s muffins. So this morning,…

Served: Larry the Red Coat

“I’m going to wear a tuxedo on my last day.”  Larry had been saying this for a few months now when we would talk about his upcoming retirement.  I woke up with curious anticipation this past Friday, knowing that it was Larry’s last day.  As I entered the hospital building we work in, I peered…

Quick Fix: Energy Bites

Our household snack selection is anemic and hardly ever offers interesting items to choose from.  I am not destined to be the cool Mom that showcases a cupboard full of excitement to our children and their friends.  I got nothin’.  Which is probably why I have heard from neighbors that our boys have begun making friendly…

In Defense of Boys

I wonder if mothers of only girls receive comments like: “Oh, when are you going to have your boy?” “You are having another baby!  Are you hoping to get your boy?” “Will you keep trying until you get your boy?” I suspect that the narrative about families not being complete until they get their boy…

Norm’s Key Lime Pie

Legacies are built on others taking notice of how we live our lives when we are not asking to be watched.

Take Me to Church

Can faith be exercised and perhaps even strengthened without church? This is the question I have been wrestling with.

A Toast to You

The exceptional is usually found underneath the ordinary…

Welcome to Fix. Serve.

Fix Food.  Serve Others. There’s an idea brewing here.  A new community for those who love to fix food and fix problems.  Intrigued?  Sign up to be one of the first subscribers for when we go live in a few short weeks!  I can promise you you’ll be fed in more ways than one.